ISN Psychology’s corporate and academic governance, rules, admission and other policies, quality assurance and financial processes are underpinned by defined values and goals.
The Board of Directors has empowered the College Council to be the effective governing body of ISN Psychology, with overall responsibility for implementing the vision and mission of ISN Psychology.
The College Council oversees the implementation of ISN Psychology’s strategic plan in pursuit of these objectives.

The Board of Directors is the governing body of ISN Psychology Pty Ltd (ISN). It has final governance responsibility of all matters associated with ISN.
The functions of the Board of Directors are to pursue the objects and principal purposes of ISN Psychology Pty Ltd, which are to improve professional practice through the provision of education and the promotion of critical reflection, freedom of inquiry, academic excellence, research and a culture of scholarship. The functions of the Board of Directors are delegated to the College Council by written resolution pursuant to section 248A of the Corporations Act.
The Board of Directors consists of Professor Tony Paolini, Daniel Paolini, and Trevayne Fernandez.
Professor Tony Paolini
Director, President, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Professor Tony Paolini MPsych (Clin Neuro) PhD MAPS is President and CEO of ISN Psychology and on the Board of Directors. A founding Director of the Institute for Social Neuroscience, Professor Paolini is a psychologist and internationally recognised neuroscientist. He has qualifications in psychology (MPsych – Clin Neuro) and in Neuroscience (PhD). Under the mentorship of Professor Graeme Clark, he lead the Auditory Clinical Neuroscience Unit at the Bionic Ear Institute. Professor Paolini has published numerous peer reviewed publications, lead large research teams and has received significant research funding including from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NH&MRC) and the Australian Research Council (ARC). He was Professor and Head of Psychology at RMIT University, Senior Principal Research Fellow at the Florey Institute for Neuroscience and Mental Health, and holds adjunct positions at La Trobe University and The University of Melbourne.

Daniel Paolini
Daniel is a Council at White and Case. Prior to joining that firm in October 2018, Daniel spent over 16 years practicing as a taxation/legal advisor in Australia, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. He has previously worked in two Big 4 accounting firms, and two top tier law firms and a number of investment firms. Daniel holds a Bachelor of Science (Major in Psychology) and Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne, and a Bachelor of Laws from Monash University. He is a fellow of The Tax Institute and admitted as a barrister and solicitor in Victoria.

Trevayne Fernandez
Director, General Manager & Registrar
Trevayne brings considerable experience having spent two decades working in the education sector both in Australia and internationally. He has held a range of senior leadership positions in Higher Education, Higher Education Regulation (TEQSA) and Vocational Education and Training (VET). These engagements have been predominantly in Melbourne, Australia as well as overseas in Japan, Europe, South-East Asia and the United Arab Emirates. He has specific experience within the areas of Compliance, Facilities Management, CRICOS and Business Development. He is also a Victorian State Representative for the Independent Tertiary Education Council of Australia (ITECA) since 2020.

College Council
The College Council is delegated the powers and authorities to:
Pursue the mission and vision of ISN Psychology;
Carry out the objects and purposes of ISN Psychology; and
Undertake the functions set out in the delegation of authority and all other functions which are incidental or convenient for the purposes of the above power and authority.
The Council is accountable to the Board of Directors for guiding the strategy and performance of ISN. The key responsibilities of the Council are to provide good governance and strategic guidance, to undertake the functions set out in the delegation of authority and all other functions as necessary, including to:
Provide advice, set the strategic direction of ISN and approve related plans;
Monitor performance and targets against the Strategic Plan;
Review and endorse major changes to the Strategic Plan;
Guide management in the delivery of the Strategic Plan and desired culture;
Monitor the budget, financial position and financial viability of ISN;
Oversee and monitor academic activity and the overall quality of ISN’s programs;
Oversee and monitor systems of internal control and accountability,
Review and monitor risk management and compliance programs; and
Confer academic awards.
The Chair of the College Council is the Director and CEO of ISN, Professor Tony Paolini. Additional members include Daniel Paolini and Trevayne Fernandez and in addition :
Hon Kevin Andrews
Chair of the Quality and Risk Committee & College Council Member (Independent Member)
Hon Kevin Andrews brings his vast parliamentary experience and committee service to define the strategic directions of ISN Psychology. He is also the Chair of ISN Psychology’s Quality and Risk Committee. He has written many publications including books on biomedical ethics and the social and economic trends shaping the nation. He has represented the community as the Member for Menzies. Ministerial appointments include:
• Minister for Ageing from 26.11.01 to 7.10.03
• Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations from 7.10.03 to 30.1.07
• Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service from 7.10.03 to 30.1.07
• Minister for Immigration and Citizenship from 30.1.07 to 3.12.07
• Minister for Social Services from 18.9.13 to 23.12.14
• Minister for Defence from 23.12.14 to 21.9.15

Ms Kelly Humphreys
College Council, Quality and Risk, and Academic Board Member (Independent Member)
Kelly is an experienced non-executive director and accomplished financial services professional with current board roles across diverse sectors including building regulation, health and financial services. She is also Chair and member of Audit, Finance and Risk Committees.
Kelly brings expertise in strategic thinking and a strong commercial approach to achieving objectives in complex regulatory environments. She is skilled in client engagement and applying data and digital strategies to engage and understand customer drivers. She has led start-up organisations and demonstrated ability in engaging stakeholders and working effectively to deliver growth and improved performance. She has strong technical expertise in establishing insurance, risk management and governance practices. She has a Masters of Management, Diploma of Financial Services and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

A/Professor Linda Byrne
Chair of the Academic Board (Independent Member)
Associate Professor Linda Byrne MAPS (CCN) is the Deputy Head of School and Director of Internationalisation in the School of Psychology at Deakin University. As a registered psychologist with post-graduate training in Clinical Neuropsychology, Linda has 20 years of clinical, research and teaching experience in the areas of neuropsychiatric disorders, neurology, brain injury, geriatric medicine, developmental disorders and neuropsychological rehabilitation. Her major area of research is in the understanding and remediation of neuro- and social cognitive deficits in clinical disorders including neurodevelopmental, psychological, and neurodegenerative disorders. Associate Prof Byrne has extensive teaching experience in undergraduate and post-graduate psychology courses. Her main teaching focus is in the area of psychological assessment, and working with diverse populations in a mental health context. In addition to her teaching and research profile, she has extensive experience in Academic Governance and administration.

Academic Board
The Academic Board oversees the educational processes involved in designing, delivering and assessing ISN courses.
The Academic Board is delegated the powers and authorities to carry out the following functions:
approve new courses and changes to existing courses consistent with registration and accreditation requirements;
monitor and approve student results and scholarships;
oversee and monitor the academic quality of programs and courses;
initiate academic reviews and improvements;
develop, approve and implement academic policies and procedures; and
report to the College Council consistent with the objects and purposes of ISN and its colleges.
In addition to Associate Professor Lynda Byrne (Chair), Professor Tony Paolini, , Trevayne Fernandez, Ms Kelly Humphreys mentioned above, and academic staff Associate Professor Pascal Molenberghs and Dr Melissa Mulraney, the board additionally comprises:
Professor Robert Kapsa
Academic Board Member (Independent)
Robert Kapsa is the inaugural Professor of Biofabrication and Tissue Engineering at RMIT University and Head of Research (Neurosciences) at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne (SVHM). He is a biochemist, molecular and cell biologist specialising in development of molecular, regenerative cell and gene therapies for damaged and diseased muscle and nerve, with particular focus on Neuromuscular disorders. He pioneered gene editing technologies (1998-2005) that saw the first correction of the mutation that caused DMD in humans and muscular dystrophy in the mdx mouse model of DMD.
Pr Kapsa’s clinical guidance along his professional path has come several key mentors: With Prof Ed Byrne (Neuromuscular Disorders) Pr Kapsa’s focus on muscle disease was realised in his establishment of Australia’s first genetic diagnostic facility for mitochondrial disorders and then by his involvement in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy with Prof Ed Byrne; With Prof Graeme Clark (Electrophysiology and Materials Science), he established Bionic Technologies Australia (ahich generated a spinout called Polyactiva) and gained a working knowledge of device implant translation; With Prof Wayne Morrison (Tissue Engineering), he gained expertise in developing biodegradable implants for tissue engineering applications.
In his current capacity at RMIT, Pr Kapsa continues to build world class Biofabrication and Tissue Engineering activities that will form flagship activities within the new multi-institutional collaborative BioMedical Engineering hub, the Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery (ACMD) located at SVHM.