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Our Clinics  Sydney (02) 7239 7750 & Melbourne (03) 9008 1616



ISN Clinic

Level 2, 8 Spring St


NSW 2000

(02) 7239 7750

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Melbourne - Kew

ISN Clinic Health and Wellbeing Centre 

Office 1, 115 Cotham Rd 

Kew 3101

(03) 9008 1616 (Select 1)

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Melbourne - Bundoora

ISN Clinic

University Hill

103/7 Ormond Boulevard

Bundoora 3083

(03) 9008 1616 (Select 2)


Melbourne - Moorabbin

ISN Clinic at DFC

Danny Frawley Centre

32-60 Linton St, Moorabbin VIC 3189

(03) 9008 1616 (Select 3)

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ISN Clinic is not a crisis centre.  For emergencies please contact a crisis support line or call 000.

Contact Us

Christmas/New Year closure Period


We will be closed for the Christmas/New Year Holiday Period (23rd Dec 2024 to 3rd Jan 2025) and we will return on the 6th Jan 2025.

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